Sunday, August 16, 2009

Abg Zul Faisal's Wedding

On the 15th of August 2009,

We the, Terunjing Termites, headed to the Rizqun Hotel in Gadong, as our cousin is holding his "Bersanding" there..We were led to the 4th floor where the grooms side was held at the Sutra Function Hall.

Upon arriving we checked out the hall and the readied a few items before the start of the event,

Where we then were asked to have an early dinner so as to we wont be with an empty stomach while running around...

Our cute lil niece batreisha posing for the cameras

Pictures of the Bride & groom in the lobby area..

While every one was busy inside, the kids were busy with their own photoshoot...

Our cute cousins & niece

As the guest have all arrived, the groom finally makes his entrance, and even before he was able to go into the hall, the groom was busy being photographed...

Myself with the groom and escorting him inside....

As soon as the groom enters the hall, they immediately start with the "berjabat" ceremony..

When they were done, a few people made speeches, included with King Joe in retrospect to the groom...

Before the entrance of the groom to the brides hall, here's a little preview of the brides hall...

With that the start of the procession...

The couple enjoying the "suap-suapan"

Our cousin, Abg Faizal taking the couple's photos...

The Terunjing Termites with our cousins from Miri...

When all is said and done, we had another dinner session where, while everyone was busy chatting & eating...Our niece, batriesyah, posed with us...

With that, we wish Mr Zul Faisal & his wife, Nuraffidah, a happy marriage and hope to bear fruit a few more nieces & nephews for us...

P.S. after everything was done..since most of our cousins, on our father side stayed at Rizqun, we went back to change clothes and was back at the mall, Gadong by 11.20 just in time to get tickets, some snacks and joined with our cousins to watch the G.I.Joe Movie...I have to say it is something worth to watch for those who love action packed films...Cheers~

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